Monday, March 7, 2011

Ridiculous Bus Drivers

Today I have a little bit of hate for bus drivers..

Bus drivers who drive their buses past bus stops they are supposed to stop at.  Yeah I guess your job can be pretty thankless dealing with people who are often in a hurry to get somewhere, but seriously, your job is to stop and pick people up at certain bus stops, if your bus isn't full, there is no reason you should be just driving on past.

Bus drivers who can't seem to tell when their bus is full. Like really really full. The reason nobody standing in the aisle is moving to make room for more people, is because they cant move, because there is already no more room. I had a bus trip the other day, and the driver kept telling people not to stand on the red painted area at the front of the bus. he did this 3 stops in a row where he let more people on. by the third stop there were 2 of us standing fully in the red area. So if your going to fill up your bus so much that people HAVE to stand in the "no standing area", don't then have a whinge that people are standing there.

End whinge

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